Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Online Quran Recitation – Offering Convenience As Well As Virtues

Islam is the religion that has been chosen by Allah Almighty as His final religion to act as a minaret of light for guidance of people to come till the Day of Judgment. Though, God had bestowed humanity with different religions at different times for their guidance, but after He chose Islam as the final religion of humanity, it is our duty to heed to it and learn more about it.

Have a look at what Allah Almighty says about Islam in Quran:

This day, I have perfected your religionforyou and completed My favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion…" (Holy Qur'an, 5:3)

Also, have a look at what last of the prophets, Muhammad PBUH to say about Islam:

The Prophet(PBUH) said:
"I am leaving you two things and you will never go astray as long as you cling to them -- they are the Book of Allah and my Sunnah." [Reported by Al- Haakim - Sahih].

This is how Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) signifies the importance of Quran. That is why people who love Allah and His beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) recite Quran to please God and His Prophet PBUH. For people like us living in the current age, Online Quran Recitation is the way to go.

For most of us, computer and internet are two of the most used components of our daily lives. In fact, most of us have to spend majority of their time sitting in front of a computer using internet for different purposes. That is why Online Quran Recitation should be followed to make things convenient for us. Such an act would relieve us and please God and His beloved Prophet PBUH.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A Comparison between Page Rank and Hyperlink Induced Topic Search (HITS) Algorithms

Search engines are not only useful for common masses to search their interested topics but also it is also a necessity for the researchers and businesses. There are many web search engines available online handling millions of queries daily. All search engines are based on some search algorithm. Page Rank is most famous search algorithm that is used by the top search engine named Google. At the time Larry Page and Sergey Brin were developing Page Rank another algorithm was under process named as Hyperlink Induced Topic Search (HITS). Almost every web marketing agency focuses on user’s satisfaction and for this purpose HITS can perform with a logical approach.

A theoretical concise difference between these two search algorithms is discussed below:

Hyperlink Induced Topic Search:

  • HITS is based on two quality values of “Authority Update” and “Hub Update”. Authority update is calculated by the number of hub links connected with the authority website and Hub update is calculated by the number of authority websites connected by the Hub website. HITS overall result will be based on the connection between these two values. It actually calculates two scores per document.
  • HITS operates on small sub graphs representing a linkage between Hub and Authority websites.
  • In HITS, increase in the authority weight increases the hub weight of the sites.
  • HITS calculate score without indexing.
  • HITS has a special use in websites relational analysis specifically.

Page Rank:

  • Page Rank is based on number of different factors especially number of quality back links. Quality back links are those links which are relevant to the niche of the website and are placed on high page rank websites. So Page Rank calculates mainly one score per document.
  • Page Rank operates on a big web Graph focusing on all the back links and relevance factors.
  • In Page Rank, quality back link on high PR website increases the page rank of the website.
  • Page Rank calculates score after indexing process.
  • Page Rank can be used for multiple factors like Street rank (ranking of places other than websites on the basis of population visits). Similarly Page rank is used in multiple environments from institutes to search engine crawlers.
Both HITS and Page Rank have their plus point and benefits and both can be applied in different scenarios. Page Rank is more popular because it can be utilized in multiple environments other then web search. HITS is very useful because of its special focus on Hub and authority websites categorization.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Qualities of a Best Web Design Company

For developing a new website design, a reliable web designer is very important. Therefore, look for a best web design company for your web site. The selected company should be capable of providing best quality product and services. Finding the right company to design is important task as a little carelessness can cost you dearly.
  1. Quality of a web designer is to make web site attractive and catchy. With unnecessary designs and stylish look, it takes a longer time to be accessed. A professional designer is well aware of all the techniques to make the site catchy.
  2. It makes everything clear before designing any website. It is the quality of a web designer to make it sure the requirements of a business to accordingly design the site. Your new website should be designed in such a way that it should be able to capture the market.
  3. It is necessary for the site to be user friendly. Web Design Company takes care to make the site user friendly and search engine friendly.
  4. Web design should be able to promote products and services offered by you. Therefore, select the company that is able to provide you such design.
  5. Best web design company is capable of providing presentable design to your company.

Make it sure that your selected company is capable of doing the entire related task by using latest techniques and technology. Website should be visible on every famous browser. It can happen if technology used is latest. These points will surely help you in selecting the right company.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Applying Affordable Seo Services To Increase The Ranking Of Your Page

Sometimes a scenario occurs where the rankings of search engine depend on a single page or any of the sub folders of website. If this is the situation then here are few tips by which you can spread the links around hedge for your SEO efforts. Unless there is a tiered SEO strategy on which a person is overly dependent on the websites home page or any other similar pages in website. It is important to Link flow pools into many different pages of website and learning on how to harness this ebb, the flow is very much crucial for the achievement of long term and short term objectives. Many of the affordable SEO services can be adopted for the betterment of page rankings.

Each time you link to the page, you then create a type of reference that is essentially voting for the escalation of the keywords in an anchor text for the page it also links to. Each link is indexed in search engine and affects the link profile intentionally or inadvertently. If you link to your contact page and there is no other link provided in the body text of documents the page will then be highly ranked of anchor text and will then start to take on to the ranking factors from the other linked page to destination page. There are pages with some strongest desired rankings and they must have a high percentage of some internal links for those keywords that are relevant pages within the site. The purpose of SEO is to cultivate the ideal page to link and then increase the topical relevance for page that is being linked for the creation of dynamic synergy.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Is Forced Conversion To Islam Allowed In Islam?

Humans have a choice and they have been given freedom to explore and research the forces of nature and get benefits from them. They are not like animals, which are forced to follow the nature that God has created for them. The reason of blessing humans with having the power to observe and think is to have them decide about the right and wrong. Quran Recitation Online helps us in understanding view of Islam about forced Conversion.If a man accepts laws of God, then it is beneficial for his own growth and if he is against them then he will have to bear the consequences. A person who is delivering the message of God is not a custodian. As from the recitation of Holy Quran we can find that:

“We have revealed the book of Quran to you and also the truth for all mankind, whoever follows it the right way, it is thus for his soul, as he only errs to its detriment, and you are not a custodian over them.”

The above mentioned verses clarifies the messenger of God cannot force people to accept the laws of Allah. People have a free will to accept the message.

There is no point of being forcing someone at all, as the Quran identifies “Iman”, which is a belief as something is not just processed by the lips, on the other hand there is something, which has entered one’s heart, and it is only possible if a person analyses the message through his willingness. It is our duty to propagate the message of Quran in the best of our ability and there should be no force in propagating that message.