Many people consider home just a place that gives them shelter, a place where they can come, stay for night and that’s all but in this case we call it a house without any life and liveliness. The basic difference between home and house is the presence of love, relationing and affection for each other as;
‘It takes hands to build a house, but only hearts can build a home.’
A home is like a country that gives and represents our identity and personality. For instance the personalities of two persons belonging to different countries will be different from each others. Each will represent the traditions and culture of his own country through which we can recognize from which country he belongs to?
Similarly at micro level each home is different from other. Everyone decorate his home according to his own personality and taste for instance some people like to give traditional look to their living or dinning room furniture whilst the other like to adorn their home with modern furniture. Even every home possesses a special odor of their owners.
Here is a beautiful Manual Recliner Chair with Handle in an image below to glorify your living room or bedroom furniture.

It is very simple to use, four button handset with reset button and left or right hand option for the controls. Moreover back and footrest work independently for maximum comfort plus back of the chair automatically adjusts during the lift to facilitate a more comfortable exit out of the chair.
Briefly stating Henry Van Dyke beautifully describes home in few lines as;
Every house where love abides
And friendship is a guest,
Is surely home, and home sweet home
for there the heart can rest.
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