CSS stands for Cascading style sheets. As we know that Html is for display data and XML is for retrieving or transmitting data from the internet source. CSS is majorly use to make your web design more attractive color wise or “Look & Feel wise”. From the major difference of web 1.0 to web 2.0 the use of images has been depreciated to add up the effects to the web pages. Now designing effects are achieved with the help of CSS.
How to use CSS?
There are the three parts of the CSS
1. Selector (Default selector, Own defined Selector)
2. Property (font-family, font size, background-color)
3. Value ( Arial, 11, Red)
CSS is of three types:
1. Inline CSS
Inline css is used with the tags as their properties. The Example is given below:
“<-p- style="color: blue; margin-left: 10px">this is my first paragraph<-/-p->”
The top priority of the CSS is the inline based CSS. If External or internal CSS is used in the web page it will show the values of inline CSS.
2. Internal CSS
Internal CSS is used for a specific web page formation. Every web page can have a single Internal CSS. It is defined in the head section of the html with the style element. The example is as mentioned below:
3. External CSS
It is the most professional way to use the CSS for the web pages. It has many benefits other than internal or inline. You can manage all the web pages from the single External CSS file. The External CSS file can be saved from “. CSS extension” And that single file contain the CSS selectors definitions and their respective values
"h r {color: blue;}
p- {margin-left:10px;}
b o dy {background-image:url("images/Image1.png");}"
For the web pages who want to get the effect of this external CSS and want to add the file into the web page, can do it from the following code.
Future Recommended Markup Language:
So it is concluded that now days professional web design company make web designs purely based on the CSS. CSS has many advantages as it can allow text html formatting with great effects appealing for the site visitor.
A Future recommendation of the HTML 4.0.1 is HTML5 which is the next standard for Html 4.0.1, x HTML 1.0 and DOM Level 2 HTML.
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