Thursday, May 17, 2012

Elevated Testosterone Levels Affect Human Health

A lot of studies are available on low testosterone levels as these are associated with many health problems. Some studies show that men with higher level of testosterone also cause many health problems. 

hgh hormone therapy

HGH human growth hormone and testosterone are of huge significance whose normal levels if disturbed causes many problems. HGH hormone therapy is effective to restore human growth hormone levels.

Increase testosterone also causes aggressiveness and mood swings, acne, and testicular shrinkage. Hair loss and low fertility levels are also the result of infertility, enlarged prostate and problems with the circulatory system.

Performance enhancing drugs often cause increase in testosterone levels. Elevated testosterone levels also affect man’s endocrine system. American Longevity Center recommends that always use steroids and testosterone supplements after a qualified, experienced physician.

Low T and high testosterone levels both put negative impacts on the body. Low t levels cause bad mood, low energy levels, fatigue, depression, and many others. Testosterone therapy is effective in restoring its levels back to normal. Balanced hormone levels regulate body functions well.

Many testosterone products and treatments are available that are helpful in restoring its levels. However, further studies are needed to prove safety of its long-term use. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid long-term use of these hormone treatments. Hormone replacement therapy is effective for both men and women in balancing hormone levels.

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