Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Personalized Search: A Need for Future

Most of the SEO experts have abandoned personalized search, they think of it as annoyance in the process of checking the ranking of a website. There end of the story is that, they don’t think a personalized search will give them a view of the ranking of a website of general public or the world, and will only show them the results of their personal preference.

Aside from the view of SEO experts, personalized search is going to be of great help in future, for individual users, and for companies who provide PPC management Services. Below are a few of the benefits of personalized search:


· Suppose if Google has all your medical history, like your age, sex, family history, and your genetic information, then finding for the correct diagnostic medicine would be so easy and apt for a user. With this information, there are substantial chances that Google can refer you to a better drug, for which you had to take the advice of a doctor.

· Secondly, imagine the time you will save, and the pleasure it will add to your experience, when you go to an online video website, and the website displays all the videos of your choice and interest. It will make the choice making process very easy.

· Amazon adopts the same strategy; it has a feature that refers you to other products of the same category bought by you. By doing so, Amazon keeps a record of your likings.

· All the above-mentioned benefits hold equal importance in a PPC campaign, the more targeted your audience is, the more the chances of clicks converting into leads. As the visitor of your website is at your website, because he is already interested in what your business has to offer.


Personalized search may seem as a hindrance to SEO experts for the time being, but they must comply with it, because it is the need of the future.

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